I am Time though not the enemy about whom I know you’ve heard
Not the one who’s shouted at with many an angered word
I’m not the one that that’s called the thief that rides upon the night
The one that drains youth away, the one who many try to fight
I’m not the one who’s spoken of in the aging that you fear
I’m not the one who drains seconds from your minutes or days from the passing year
I’m not the one who wrinkles skin in mirrors or dims the body’s force
I’m not the one who afflicts with “Should’ve” in moments of remorse;
I am the one who comforts you with every tear you’ve shed
I’ve spread your heartbreak over my eternal waves in moments that you’ve bled
My heart softens memory for those at the end of life
To allow a time in aged days free from pain and strife
My love continues beyond death to comfort loved ones who gather near
To alleviate their sadness and help place honor to their years;
You see I am not the enemy you’ve heard about so much
I am Time: The Healer, healing with every moment that I touch.