Untangling Your Life
Learning to run your own energetic programming
*This information is based on my own experiences as a healing facilitator with channeling from Spirit. I am not a doctor or therapist. Please only take what resonates with you.*
The basis of all things is energy. We are expressions of our soul's energy in every way from our physical body, to our mental predispositions, our life experiences, our soul purpose and lessons and our emotional makeup. All aspects of who we are and how we live our lives begins at this deep and quintessential space that is the blueprint for our entire energy field and how it evolves multi-dimensionally over linear time.
Who designed these blueprints?
The easy answer to this very complex question is that we did - sort of. Our soul programming is built on a few different layers of consciousness. The first is through the divine. We are divine innately and in the process of coming to earth this divine essence moves from undifferentiated energy to refracted energy. The refraction process "separates" us from all other energy that has gone through the same process to enter third dimensional density. The second component is our soul self which is an accumulation of who we have been throughout all lifetimes. The divine and the soul self may decide on a specific blueprint based on who we are meant to be which is of course a synergy of what we are supposed to learn and what the earth needs us to teach.
How does this blueprint translate to who we are and our life experiences?
This blueprint helps us to become who we are. Throughout our lives we will have various experiences which hold reference points to our soul blueprints. Reference points, in this sense, are experiences which create a resonance with our soul and they draw us to specific lessons which are in our soul blueprint to learn. An example of this would be when someone has a knowing that they want to do a specific type of work in their lives and a lot of learning and teaching happens within that same arena. Another example would be when we are drawn to a difficult person or situation and have lessons to learn and teach there as well. We are magnetized with these experiences and often times the people that are there to facilitate them and sometimes these experiences are standalone experiences and sometimes they are cyclical.
What happens as we progress through these experiences?
As we have the experiences that are important for our evolution the experiences are translated back to the soul and the blueprints are recreated. This process is happening constantly as we resolve what we are meant to learn with how we move through the situations that have been brought to us and that we have come to because of their magnetic relationship with our soul.
Fragmentation from trauma within the learning environment
Everybody has minor (and sometimes major) mental and emotional trauma at various points in their lives. These may be very small things that go unnoticed or they may be very big things that take many years to work through. When someone experiences trauma of either type small (in the case of minor) or big (in the case of major) fragmentation occurs in the person's energy field. These fragmented aspects of the self become slightly separated within the energy field and stay "frozen in time". This means that as the blueprints are re-designed during and after our life experiences certain aspects of them cannot be updated because the fragmentation isolates that part of the blueprint and the result is that these reference points then become trigger points. Trigger points cause the person to run the fragmented programming within an environment that has been updated for new soul lessons to be learned. It would be like trying to run a very old computer program in the current version of Windows - it doesn't run smoothly and causes lagging and sometimes causes more current programs to not work as effectively. These trigger points activate when someone has an experience that resonates with the mental and emotional trauma.
How do we begin to resolve fragmentation so that we may run our current programming?
The first step to resolving these issues is to address the traumas that we've experienced. These trigger points can form a net with our blueprint reference points and many of the triggers can line up with the experiences that we are still meant to have. In the cases of normal amounts of trauma that is virtually unnoticeable this will more than likely resolve over time as our new lessons often help us work through past difficulties which unfreeze these moments in time. In the cases of big traumas this can make day-to-day life a bit of a minefield.
Either way we can approach this with the idea of sitting within the fragments. To untangle this net there are a few steps that can be taken:
Step 1: Create a map
Figure out what experiences have created fragmentation. Create a timeline of life events. Once you have done this you can build on it. Begin to list the people that were involved in these events, the interactions that happened (or didn't happen in many cases), your reactions to these events and people and then how those things influences your thoughts and feelings. Go over this list a few times with the intention of adding more detail each time. Then look between those life events and add in the smaller events that led up to each one. It should look like a giant tree as you build this up. You may then add what people have told you about these events or experiences and then also note your thoughts, feelings and gut reactions to what people have said.
Step 2: Find the net
This part is one of the hardest parts in this process. In order to do this properly it is incredibly important to try to be as objective as possible. Take a look at each of these experiences and make a list of how you currently react to thinking about them. An idea here is to take each of these experiences and write out the key points (the synopsis of the experience and the people involved, perhaps) on cue cards and then place those cue cards into envelopes. Depending on your level of triggers it may be important for you to have the physical presence or support of a friend, energy worker or counselor during this next part. Clear your mind and heart as best you can and begin to open the envelopes at random (maybe shuffle the envelopes first). As you open the envelopes and read the cue cards list your gut reaction to them clearing your mind and heart between each envelope. Take your time with this process as you may end up with a knotted gut reaction for all of them if your first one was a big one - wait for your gut reaction to fully clear before moving on to the next envelope. Once you have a list of your gut reactions you have done the hardest part.
Next make a list of what you are currently doing in your life.
At this point you can line up what you may be carrying around from the past that is effecting your life in the present. Your current life experiences may be lined up next to triggers (if they are very cyclical or challenging or involve similar types of people from your past) or they may line up to new soul reference points (experiences that flow with ease or feel in alignment to you). This part requires a lot of self-honesty. There are sometimes things that we are in denial about and it's important to be honest with what is a repeat of the past and what isn't. There is no judgment with repeating the past but the next steps will help you to clear those patterns.
Step 3: Clearing the knots
When you look at a fishing net the cords cross in certain points and are knotted which create the net structure itself. In this sense some of these cords are current soul reference points and others are triggers and at any point there is a knot there is a fragment. The idea of clearing the knots is to un-freeze the fragments so that your soul programming can be updated to who you currently are. The result of this is that your triggers are cleared out and you are able to move forward without having an emotional or mental connection to these experiences in the way that they trigger the old memories, thought patterns, beliefs, actions or relationships in a way where you repeat the experiences or become emotionally distressed by the memories of them.
There are different schools of thought in the processing of trauma but since I am not a psychotherapist or a doctor I will talk about the energetic approach to this process.
Use the map that you created with the knowledge that you have of what you current net is and begin to sit within the energy of these fragments. Begin with the earliest life experiences and progress towards the present. Visit every point on your map where you have found a knot point (you had a difficult gut reaction to the event or the people involved) and sit in meditation with these memories. You may choose to have an internal dialogue with the people that were involved in these experiences or even with your past self. You may choose to even re-write the experiences themselves using the wisdom that you have since gained from them. The most important thing here is to re-claim your power. To do this you need to neutralize pain by sending comfort, love and certainty to your past self within each of these experiences. You cannot judge who you were during those times because you did not know better at that time. Even if you went against what you knew was good for you at the time you still did what you did for a reason and finding peace with that is a part of reclaiming your power and un-freezing those fragments. You will know that you have successfully unfrozen the fragments when you can sit in those memories and be at peace with them from all angles - who you were at that time, what happened in those interactions, the choices that you made, the choices that were made for you (when someone put you into a victim role) and how you felt immediately following those events. At this point, depending on your experiences, you will most likely either have to find forgiveness for yourself or other people or most commonly, both. This can be made easier if you can do it from a compassionate, heart level where you begin to accept that others may have also been trying to do their best with what they had to work within their own lives. This is not to say that hurting others is ever right although finding forgiveness is important in reclaiming your power - Know that you will never repeat these experiences again because as you clear the trigger points with finality it breaks those cycles.
This process may take days, weeks, months or even a year (or years). Do not rush it. You can always check to see if they have been cleared by taking those cue cards in envelopes are updating your net. If you have no major gut reaction to a cue card where you previously did then you have either cleared those fragments or you are in the process of it.
Once you have cleared the knots it is a good idea to update your map with the resolutions that you have made.
Step 4: Untangling the lines
During the process of living through your triggers while creating new experiences your energy will have become intermingled with the energy of other people. This part of updating your blueprint is to let go of any people that no longer serve your current purpose. Depending on how long the knot clearing process took it may be a good idea to re-write your list of current life events. At this time you will want to update your current experiences with the names of people that are involved in these experiences as well as the key points of them. Your current events list should also include activities that you do each day, week, month or year such as social events, work, family enjoyments and obligations and anything else that makes your life yours. Once you have done this you can meditate or contemplate each of these current elements to see what still calls to you.
Because at this point you have cleared your net out there will more than likely be certain elements of your present that you are ready and willing to let go of. Often times current experiences are intermingled with things that are in cycle from our past but as you cleared those knots you will no longer be resonating with those past reference points that had become triggers. This process will update your blueprint to your current point and you will be running your most current programming. Please keep in mind that there may be parts of your past that will take longer to clear than others and that is okay but this process will untangle you from any old things and you will begin running your own, current programming.
Important points about this process
1) It is very important to remember that this process is a programming change. There may be moments where you feel different. If at any moment this process becomes overwhelming or too difficult absolutely seek appropriate care whether it be peer support from an energy worker or help from a psychotherapist, doctor, or counselor.
2) Take your time. This is a process that only works when it is done with finality and to completion. You cannot rush this process and it has to be done with personal honesty and integrity - you owe that to yourself because you've already survived through all of the hardest parts.
3) Having regular grounding moments whether they be your own meditation, writing, healing work, yoga, nature walks or anything that grounds you in this process. Grounding will re-orient your mind and heart to your current life events and this is important to do often. You do not want to go down a rabbit hole with this work - it is intended to help your current path; not to keep you stuck in your old stuff.
4) Journal this process as you may receive wisdom that is important for processing the other aspects of your map, net or programming/blueprint updates.
What you can expect from this process
This process will help to heal the past, find peace in the present and a clearer direction for the future. At the very least it will help you to be present in the present. When you update your programming by clearing past fragments it helps you not carry the past around with you as a lens through which you look at your present and future. You will be looking at your present through you present. When you are doing this you are no longer running the programming of your past self, other peoples projections on you or of you and you are no longer living in fear, victim or illness consciousness (These states happen when you base your current decisions and actions on your triggers). You can make your decisions on who you are, with all that you have learned and all who you have become which in its very nature is balanced and divine in it's quality.
Channeled by Rev. Matthew Stapley
Who designed these blueprints?
The easy answer to this very complex question is that we did - sort of. Our soul programming is built on a few different layers of consciousness. The first is through the divine. We are divine innately and in the process of coming to earth this divine essence moves from undifferentiated energy to refracted energy. The refraction process "separates" us from all other energy that has gone through the same process to enter third dimensional density. The second component is our soul self which is an accumulation of who we have been throughout all lifetimes. The divine and the soul self may decide on a specific blueprint based on who we are meant to be which is of course a synergy of what we are supposed to learn and what the earth needs us to teach.
How does this blueprint translate to who we are and our life experiences?
This blueprint helps us to become who we are. Throughout our lives we will have various experiences which hold reference points to our soul blueprints. Reference points, in this sense, are experiences which create a resonance with our soul and they draw us to specific lessons which are in our soul blueprint to learn. An example of this would be when someone has a knowing that they want to do a specific type of work in their lives and a lot of learning and teaching happens within that same arena. Another example would be when we are drawn to a difficult person or situation and have lessons to learn and teach there as well. We are magnetized with these experiences and often times the people that are there to facilitate them and sometimes these experiences are standalone experiences and sometimes they are cyclical.
What happens as we progress through these experiences?
As we have the experiences that are important for our evolution the experiences are translated back to the soul and the blueprints are recreated. This process is happening constantly as we resolve what we are meant to learn with how we move through the situations that have been brought to us and that we have come to because of their magnetic relationship with our soul.
Fragmentation from trauma within the learning environment
Everybody has minor (and sometimes major) mental and emotional trauma at various points in their lives. These may be very small things that go unnoticed or they may be very big things that take many years to work through. When someone experiences trauma of either type small (in the case of minor) or big (in the case of major) fragmentation occurs in the person's energy field. These fragmented aspects of the self become slightly separated within the energy field and stay "frozen in time". This means that as the blueprints are re-designed during and after our life experiences certain aspects of them cannot be updated because the fragmentation isolates that part of the blueprint and the result is that these reference points then become trigger points. Trigger points cause the person to run the fragmented programming within an environment that has been updated for new soul lessons to be learned. It would be like trying to run a very old computer program in the current version of Windows - it doesn't run smoothly and causes lagging and sometimes causes more current programs to not work as effectively. These trigger points activate when someone has an experience that resonates with the mental and emotional trauma.
How do we begin to resolve fragmentation so that we may run our current programming?
The first step to resolving these issues is to address the traumas that we've experienced. These trigger points can form a net with our blueprint reference points and many of the triggers can line up with the experiences that we are still meant to have. In the cases of normal amounts of trauma that is virtually unnoticeable this will more than likely resolve over time as our new lessons often help us work through past difficulties which unfreeze these moments in time. In the cases of big traumas this can make day-to-day life a bit of a minefield.
Either way we can approach this with the idea of sitting within the fragments. To untangle this net there are a few steps that can be taken:
Step 1: Create a map
Figure out what experiences have created fragmentation. Create a timeline of life events. Once you have done this you can build on it. Begin to list the people that were involved in these events, the interactions that happened (or didn't happen in many cases), your reactions to these events and people and then how those things influences your thoughts and feelings. Go over this list a few times with the intention of adding more detail each time. Then look between those life events and add in the smaller events that led up to each one. It should look like a giant tree as you build this up. You may then add what people have told you about these events or experiences and then also note your thoughts, feelings and gut reactions to what people have said.
Step 2: Find the net
This part is one of the hardest parts in this process. In order to do this properly it is incredibly important to try to be as objective as possible. Take a look at each of these experiences and make a list of how you currently react to thinking about them. An idea here is to take each of these experiences and write out the key points (the synopsis of the experience and the people involved, perhaps) on cue cards and then place those cue cards into envelopes. Depending on your level of triggers it may be important for you to have the physical presence or support of a friend, energy worker or counselor during this next part. Clear your mind and heart as best you can and begin to open the envelopes at random (maybe shuffle the envelopes first). As you open the envelopes and read the cue cards list your gut reaction to them clearing your mind and heart between each envelope. Take your time with this process as you may end up with a knotted gut reaction for all of them if your first one was a big one - wait for your gut reaction to fully clear before moving on to the next envelope. Once you have a list of your gut reactions you have done the hardest part.
Next make a list of what you are currently doing in your life.
At this point you can line up what you may be carrying around from the past that is effecting your life in the present. Your current life experiences may be lined up next to triggers (if they are very cyclical or challenging or involve similar types of people from your past) or they may line up to new soul reference points (experiences that flow with ease or feel in alignment to you). This part requires a lot of self-honesty. There are sometimes things that we are in denial about and it's important to be honest with what is a repeat of the past and what isn't. There is no judgment with repeating the past but the next steps will help you to clear those patterns.
Step 3: Clearing the knots
When you look at a fishing net the cords cross in certain points and are knotted which create the net structure itself. In this sense some of these cords are current soul reference points and others are triggers and at any point there is a knot there is a fragment. The idea of clearing the knots is to un-freeze the fragments so that your soul programming can be updated to who you currently are. The result of this is that your triggers are cleared out and you are able to move forward without having an emotional or mental connection to these experiences in the way that they trigger the old memories, thought patterns, beliefs, actions or relationships in a way where you repeat the experiences or become emotionally distressed by the memories of them.
There are different schools of thought in the processing of trauma but since I am not a psychotherapist or a doctor I will talk about the energetic approach to this process.
Use the map that you created with the knowledge that you have of what you current net is and begin to sit within the energy of these fragments. Begin with the earliest life experiences and progress towards the present. Visit every point on your map where you have found a knot point (you had a difficult gut reaction to the event or the people involved) and sit in meditation with these memories. You may choose to have an internal dialogue with the people that were involved in these experiences or even with your past self. You may choose to even re-write the experiences themselves using the wisdom that you have since gained from them. The most important thing here is to re-claim your power. To do this you need to neutralize pain by sending comfort, love and certainty to your past self within each of these experiences. You cannot judge who you were during those times because you did not know better at that time. Even if you went against what you knew was good for you at the time you still did what you did for a reason and finding peace with that is a part of reclaiming your power and un-freezing those fragments. You will know that you have successfully unfrozen the fragments when you can sit in those memories and be at peace with them from all angles - who you were at that time, what happened in those interactions, the choices that you made, the choices that were made for you (when someone put you into a victim role) and how you felt immediately following those events. At this point, depending on your experiences, you will most likely either have to find forgiveness for yourself or other people or most commonly, both. This can be made easier if you can do it from a compassionate, heart level where you begin to accept that others may have also been trying to do their best with what they had to work within their own lives. This is not to say that hurting others is ever right although finding forgiveness is important in reclaiming your power - Know that you will never repeat these experiences again because as you clear the trigger points with finality it breaks those cycles.
This process may take days, weeks, months or even a year (or years). Do not rush it. You can always check to see if they have been cleared by taking those cue cards in envelopes are updating your net. If you have no major gut reaction to a cue card where you previously did then you have either cleared those fragments or you are in the process of it.
Once you have cleared the knots it is a good idea to update your map with the resolutions that you have made.
Step 4: Untangling the lines
During the process of living through your triggers while creating new experiences your energy will have become intermingled with the energy of other people. This part of updating your blueprint is to let go of any people that no longer serve your current purpose. Depending on how long the knot clearing process took it may be a good idea to re-write your list of current life events. At this time you will want to update your current experiences with the names of people that are involved in these experiences as well as the key points of them. Your current events list should also include activities that you do each day, week, month or year such as social events, work, family enjoyments and obligations and anything else that makes your life yours. Once you have done this you can meditate or contemplate each of these current elements to see what still calls to you.
Because at this point you have cleared your net out there will more than likely be certain elements of your present that you are ready and willing to let go of. Often times current experiences are intermingled with things that are in cycle from our past but as you cleared those knots you will no longer be resonating with those past reference points that had become triggers. This process will update your blueprint to your current point and you will be running your most current programming. Please keep in mind that there may be parts of your past that will take longer to clear than others and that is okay but this process will untangle you from any old things and you will begin running your own, current programming.
Important points about this process
1) It is very important to remember that this process is a programming change. There may be moments where you feel different. If at any moment this process becomes overwhelming or too difficult absolutely seek appropriate care whether it be peer support from an energy worker or help from a psychotherapist, doctor, or counselor.
2) Take your time. This is a process that only works when it is done with finality and to completion. You cannot rush this process and it has to be done with personal honesty and integrity - you owe that to yourself because you've already survived through all of the hardest parts.
3) Having regular grounding moments whether they be your own meditation, writing, healing work, yoga, nature walks or anything that grounds you in this process. Grounding will re-orient your mind and heart to your current life events and this is important to do often. You do not want to go down a rabbit hole with this work - it is intended to help your current path; not to keep you stuck in your old stuff.
4) Journal this process as you may receive wisdom that is important for processing the other aspects of your map, net or programming/blueprint updates.
What you can expect from this process
This process will help to heal the past, find peace in the present and a clearer direction for the future. At the very least it will help you to be present in the present. When you update your programming by clearing past fragments it helps you not carry the past around with you as a lens through which you look at your present and future. You will be looking at your present through you present. When you are doing this you are no longer running the programming of your past self, other peoples projections on you or of you and you are no longer living in fear, victim or illness consciousness (These states happen when you base your current decisions and actions on your triggers). You can make your decisions on who you are, with all that you have learned and all who you have become which in its very nature is balanced and divine in it's quality.
Channeled by Rev. Matthew Stapley